■Snake Skin Precut kit includes right and left tank grips. CENTER TANKPROTECTOR NOT INCLUDED (CENTER TANK PROTECTOR NOT INCLUDED) TechSpec’s flag ship tank gripmaterial, Snake Skin, has over twenty years of materialdevelopment. It’s not easy bonding adhesive to rubber. TechSpec’s,Motorcycle Tank Grips were developed to improve body, bike controland increase riders comfort. Gripping your motorcycle between yourknees or thighs improves overall control of your ride by bettersecuring your body weight and seat position under the forces ofbraking, cornering and acceleration while also relieving pressurefrom your wrists, elbows, shoulders and lower back giving youincreased control and a more comfortable, safer ride. Snake Skin isa thin, .125' medium durometer 'rubber' material that offers asecure, comfortable grip, durable protection and a clean stocklook. Custom designed for over 250 motorcycles, used by multiple GPand Moto America racers plus riding schools, (GP2: Sii, Tech3, RWracing , Redbull KTM Ajo, Josh Herrin, Kyle Wyman, Andrew Lee andYamaha Champions Riding School).
■XL2 Precut kit includes right and left tank grips. Made in ouraggressive adhesive. XL2 is a thin (.045'), medium durometer rubber skin with a raiseddot pattern. The material is thin, lightweight, and has a highcoefficient of friction comparable to that of TechSpec’s XLinematerial. Yet less expensive and more durable.
エンボス加工されたビニール素材。街乗り-走行会向き。厚さ約 1mm。
蛇のウロコ形状のゴム素材。街乗り-走行会向き。厚さ約 3.5mm。
【XL2(エックスライン 2)】
街乗り-サーキット走行まで対応。厚さ約 1mm。
【XL SKIN(エックスラインスキン)】
2017 年登場の新素材。究極のグリップ力を持つフラッグ
シップモデル 3M 社のマイクロファイバー素材を使用し強力なグリップ力を持つ。
街乗り-サーキット走行まで対応。厚さ約 1mm。
■Snake Skin
Precut kit includes right and left tank grips. CENTER TANKPROTECTOR NOT INCLUDED
(CENTER TANK PROTECTOR NOT INCLUDED) TechSpec’s flag ship tank gripmaterial, Snake Skin, has over twenty years of materialdevelopment. It’s not easy bonding adhesive to rubber. TechSpec’s,Motorcycle Tank Grips were developed to improve body, bike controland increase riders comfort. Gripping your motorcycle between yourknees or thighs improves overall control of your ride by bettersecuring your body weight and seat position under the forces ofbraking, cornering and acceleration while also relieving pressurefrom your wrists, elbows, shoulders and lower back giving youincreased control and a more comfortable, safer ride. Snake Skin isa thin, .125' medium durometer 'rubber' material that offers asecure, comfortable grip, durable protection and a clean stocklook. Custom designed for over 250 motorcycles, used by multiple GPand Moto America racers plus riding schools, (GP2: Sii, Tech3, RWracing , Redbull KTM Ajo, Josh Herrin, Kyle Wyman, Andrew Lee andYamaha Champions Riding School).
Precut kit includes right and left tank grips. Made in ouraggressive adhesive.
XL2 is a thin (.045'), medium durometer rubber skin with a raiseddot pattern. The material is thin, lightweight, and has a highcoefficient of friction comparable to that of TechSpec’s XLinematerial. Yet less expensive and more durable.
SV650 年式: 98-02
SV1000 年式: 98-02